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186 Scaling Law for Intrinsic Fracture Energy of Diverse Stretchable NetworksPhysics Review X2025Polymer Fracture
185 Fracture of polymer-like networks with hybrid bond strengthsJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids2025Polymer Fracture
184 Local volume changes in deformed elastomers with mobile chainsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2024Soft Materials
183 Reversible two-way tuning of thermal conductivity in an end-linked star-shaped thermosetNature Communications2024Soft Materials
182 See how your body works in real time—wearable ultrasound is on its wayNature2024Ultrasound
181 A bioadhesive pacing lead for atraumatic cardiac monitoring and stimulation in rodent and porcine modelsScience Translational Medicine2024Bioadhesives
180 A Loop-Opening Model for the Intrinsic Fracture Energy of PolymerNetworksMacromolecules2024Polymer Fracture
177 Bioadhesive interface for marine sensors on diverse soft fragile speciesNature Communications2024Bioadhesives
176Adhesive anti-fibrotic interfaces on diverse organsNature2024Bioadhesives
175Wearable bioadhesive ultrasound shear wave elastographyScience Advances2024Bioelectronics; Soft Materials
174A 3D printable tissue adhesive
Nature Communications2024Soft Materials
173An elastomer with ultrahigh strain-induced crystallizationScience Advances2023Soft Materials
172Nonlocal Intrinsic Fracture Energy of Polymerlike NetworksPhys. Rev. Lett.2023Soft Materials
170Fatigue-resistant hydrogel optical fibers enable peripheral nerve optogenetics during locomotionNature Methods2023Bioelectronics; Hydrogels
1653D printable high-performance conducting polymer hydrogel for all-hydrogel bioelectronic interfacesNature Materials2023Bioelectronics; Hydrogels
164Microfluidic bioprinting of tough hydrogel-based vascular conduits for functional blood vesselsScience Advances2022Hydrogels; 3D Printing
162Bioadhesive ultrasound for long-term continuous imaging of diverse organsScience2022Bioelectronics; Medical Imaging
158Telerobotic neurovascular interventions with magnetic manipulationScience Robotics2022Medical Robots
154An off-the-shelf bioadhesive patch for sutureless repair of gastrointestinal defectsScience Translational Medicine2022Bioadhesives
151A soft neuroprosthetic hand providing simultaneous myoelectric control and tactile feedbackNature Biomedical Engineering 2021Medical Robots
150Rapid and coagulation-independent haemostatic sealing by a paste inspired by barnacle glueNature Biomedical Engineering 2021Bioadhesives
141 Hydrogel-based biocontainment of bacteria for continuous sensing and computationNature Chemical Biology2021Hydrogels
140 A Multifunctional Origami Patch for Minimally Invasive Tissue Sealings Advanced Materials2021Bioadhesives
139 Fracture of polymer networks with diverse topological defects Physical Review E2020Hydrogels; Polymer fracture
137 Electrical bioadhesive interface for bioelectronics Nature Materials2020Bioadhesives; Bioelectronics
133 Instant tough bioadhesive with triggerable benign detachmentProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2020Bioadhesives
132Hard-magnetic elasticaJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids2020Medical Robots; Mechanics
130Designing complex architectured materials with generative adversarial networksScience Advances2020Architectured Materials; Machine Learning
1293D printing of conducting polymersNature Communications2020Bioelectronics; 3D Printing
128Strong adhesion of wet conducting polymers on diverse substratesScience Advances2020Bioelectronics
127Fatigue-resistant adhesion of hydrogelsNature Communications2020Bioadhesives; Hydrogels
123Hydration and swelling of dry polymers for wet adhesionJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids2020Bioadhesives
121Ferromagnetic soft continuum robotsScience Robotics2019Medical Robots
120High stretchability, strength, and toughness of living cells enabled by hyperelastic vimentin intermediate filamentsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2019Hydrogels
119A path-following simulation-based study of elastic instabilities in nearly-incompressible confined cylinders under tensionJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids2019Instabilities
118Muscle-like fatigue-resistant hydrogels by mechanical trainingProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2019Hydrogels
117Multifunctional “Hydrogel Skins” on Diverse Polymers with Arbitrary ShapesAdvanced Materials2019Hydrogels
115Dry Double-sided Tape for Adhesion of Wet Tissues and DevicesNature2019Bioadhesives
114Mechanics of hard-magnetic soft materialsJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids2019Medical Robots; Mechanics
113Anti-fatigue-fracture hydrogelsScience Advances2019Hydrogels
112Pure PEDOT:PSS hydrogelsNature Communications2019Bioelectronics; Hydrogels
111Soft wall-climbing robotScience Robotics2018Dielectric Elastomers
110Ingestible hydrogel deviceNature Communications2019Bioelectronics; Hydrogels
107Controlled crack propagation for atomic precision handling of wafer-scale two-dimensional materialsScience2018Thin Films
105Folding artificial mucosa with cell-laden hydrogels guided by mechanics modelsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2018Hydrogels; Instabilities
104Metagel with Broadband Tunable Acoustic Properties Over Air–Water–Solid RangesAdvanced Functional Materials2019Hydrogels
103Printing ferromagnetic domains for untethered fast-transforming soft materialsNature2018Medical Robots; 3D Printing
1013D Printing of Responsive Living Materials and DevicesAdvanced Materials2017Living Materials; 3D Printing; Hydrogels
100Designing toughness and strength for soft materialsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2017Hydrogels
97Impermeable Robust Hydrogels via Hybrid LaminationAdvanced Healthcare Materials2017Hydrogels
96A New 3D Printing Strategy by Harnessing Deformation, Instability and Fracture of Viscoelastic InksAdvanced Materials20173D Printing
95Instabilities in Confined Elastic Layers under Tension: Fringe, Fingering and CavitationJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids2017Instabilities
91A large deformation viscoelastic model for double-network hydrogelsJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids2017Hydrogels
90Stretchable Living Materials and Devices with Hydrogel-Elastomer Hybrids Hosting Programmed CellsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2017Living Materials; Hydrogels
89Harnessing the Hygroscopic and Biofluorescent Behaviors of Genetically-Tractable Microbial Cells to Design Bio-hybrid WearablesScience Advances2017Living Materials
88Highly Stretchable, Strain Sensing Hydrogel Optical FibersAdvanced Materials2016Hydrogels
87Hydraulic hydrogel actuators and robots optically and sonically camouflaged in waterNature Communications2017Hydrogels
85Skin-inspired hydrogel–elastomer hybrids with robust interfaces and functional microstructuresNature Communications2016Bioadhesives; Hydrogels
84Strong, tough, stretchable and self-adhesive hydrogels from intrinsically unstructured proteinsAdvanced Materials2016Hydrogels
79Stretchable Hydrogel Electronics and DevicesAdvanced Materials2015Bioelectronics; Hydrogels
76Tough Bonding of Hydrogels to Diverse Nonporous SurfacesNature Materials2016Bioadhesives; Hydrogels
743D Printing of Highly Stretchable and Tough Hydrogels into Complex, Cellularized StructuresAdvanced Materials20153D Printing; Hydrogels
73Bio-inspired Reversibly-Crosslinked Hydrogels Comprising Polypeptide Micelles Exhibit Enhanced Mechanical PropertiesAdvanced Functional Materials2015Hydrogels
71Mechanics of Mechanochemically Responsive ElastomersJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids2015Active Materials;
70Predicting Fracture Energies and Crack-Tip Fields of Soft Tough MaterialsExtreme Mechanics Letters2015Hydrogels
69Designing Extremely Resilient and Tough Hydrogels via Delayed DissipationExtreme Mechanics Letters2014Hydrogels
68Cephalopod-inspired Design of Electro-mechano-chemically Responsive Elastomers for On-demand Fluorescent PatterningNature Communications2014Active Materials
66A Three-Dimensional Phase Diagram of Growth-Induced Surface InstabilitiesScientific Reports2015Thin Films; Instabilities
63Increasing the maximum achievable strain of a covalent polymer gel through the addition of mechanically invisible cross-linksAdvanced Materials2014Active Materials
61Soft Robotic Concepts in Catheter Design: an On-demand Fouling-release Urinary CatheterAdvanced Healthcare Materials2014Active Materials
59Matrix Elasticity Controls Bone Formation by Transplanted Stem CellsNature Materials2015Hydrogels
56Harnessing Localized Ridges for High-Aspect-Ratio Hierarchical Patterns with Dynamic Tunability and MultifunctionalityAdvanced Materials2014Thin Films; Instabilities
50Composite three-dimensional woven scaffolds with interpenetrating network hydrogels to create functional synthetic articular cartilageAdvanced Functional Materials2013Hydrogels
49Reversible Sliding in Networks of NanowiresNanoletters2013Nanowires
47Ultrasound-triggered disruption and self-healing of reversibly-crosslinked hydrogels for drug delivery and enhanced chemotherapyProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2014Hydrogels
46Multifunctionality and Control of the Crumpling and Unfolding of Large-Area GrapheneNature Materials2013Thin Films; Instabilities
45Bioinspired Surfaces with Dynamic Topography for Active Control of BiofoulingAdvanced Materials2013Active Materials
42Highly stretchable and tough hydrogelsNature2012Hydrogels
41Dynamic Electrostatic Lithography: Multiscale On-demand Patterning on Large-Area Curved SurfacesAdvanced Materials2012Dielectric Elastomers
40Bursting Drops in Solid Dielectrics Caused by High VoltagesNature Communications2012Dielectric Elastomers
39Localized Ridge Wrinkling of Stiff Films on Compliant SubstratesJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids2012Thin Films; Instabilities
36A Theory for Large Deformation and Damage of Interpenetrating Polymer NetworksJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids2012Hydrogels
34Creasing to Cratering instability in polymers under ultrahigh electric fieldsPhysical Review Letters2011Dielectric Elastomers
29Active Scaffolds for On-demand Drug and Cell DeliveryProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2011Hydrogels
28Theory of dielectric elastomers capable of giant deformation of actuationPhysical Review Letters2010Dielectric Elastomers