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MIT Zhao Lab, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 Lab: 1-025 / Office: 1-321

Contact Information

Email: hyunmin@mit.edu

Research Interests

  • 3D Printing
  • Neural Interfaces
  • Soft Electronics

Hyunmin Moon

Hyunmin’s research is focused on developing soft material-based bioelectronics for nervous systems—employing robust, conductive, and bioadhesive hydrogels—for applications in peripheral nerve stimulaton to decrease blood pressure of the patient suffering from resistant hypertension.

  1. Ongoing


    Mechanical Engineering at MIT
  2. Ph.D.

    Robotics Engineering at DGIST
  3. S.M.

    Robotics Engineering at DGIST
  4. B.S.

    Biomedical Engineering at Gachon University